Publication List
Kenny's Google Scholar Citations
Edited Volumes: *Corresponding author
[E12] Leung, K.M.Y.*, Khim, J.S., Fang, J.K.H., He, H.Y. (Eds.) (2024/25). The 10th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology. A virtual special issue in Marine Pollution Bulletin / Marine Environmental Research / Regional Studies in Marine Science.
[E11] Leung, K.M.Y.*, Brooks, B.W., Choi, K.-H., Zhang, X.-W. (Eds). (2024/25). Trajectories in Environmental Analysis and Assessment for Chemical Pollution. London, the Royal Society of Chemistry. (Approved book proposal; completion date: March 2025.
[E10] Leung, K.M.Y.*, Astudillo, J.C., Fang, J.K.H., Qiu, J.W., Takeuchi, I. (Eds.) (2023). The Second International Conference on Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation of Marine Ecosystems (BECoME 2022). A special issue in Regional Studies in Marine Science.
[E9] Strain, E.M.A., Airoldi, L., Leung, K.M.Y., O'Brien, A., While, C. (Eds.) (2022). Marine pollution - emerging issues and challenges. A virtual special issue in Frontiers in Marine Science.
[E8] Leung, K.M.Y.*, Lam, P.K.S., Chan, K.M., Lam, J.C.W., Richardson, B.J. (Eds.) (2021). The 9th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology. A virtual special issue in Marine Pollution Bulletin.
[E7] Steinberg, P.D., Tanner, E., O’Neil, J.M., Gomes, A.S., Leung, K.M.Y.* (Eds.) (2020). World Harbour Project — Global harbours and ports: different locations, similar problems? Part II. A virtual special issue in Regional Studies in Marine Science.
[E6] Leung, K.M.Y.*, Merrington, G., Warne, M. St. J., Wenning, R.J., Wu, F.-C. (Eds.) (2018). Environmental quality benchmarks for aquatic ecosystem protection: Derivation and application. A special issue in Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25(4): 3038-3208.
[E5] Leung, K.M.Y.*, Richardson, B.J., Au, D.W.T., Chan, K.M., Wong, C.K.C. (Eds.) (2017). The 8th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology. A special issue in Marine Pollution Bulletin 124(2):569-1110.
[E4] Leung, K.M.Y.*, Hui, J.H.L., Chan, K.Y.K., Kwok, K.W.H. (Eds.) (2016). The First International Conference on Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation of Marine Ecosystems (BECoME 2015). A special issue in Regional Studies in Marine Science 8(3): 371-522.
[E3] Steinberg, P.D., Airoldi, L., Banks, J., Leung, K.M.Y.* (Eds.) (2016). World Harbour Project - Global harbours and ports: different locations, similar problems? A special issue in Regional Studies in Marine Science 8(2): 217-370.
[E2] Leung, K.M.Y.*, Merrington, G., Warne, M.St.J., Wenning, R.J. (Eds.) (2014). Environmental quality benchmarks for protecting aquatic ecosystems. A special issue in Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21(1): 1-243.
[E1] Wu, R.S.S.*, Richardson, B.J., Au, D.W.T., Shin, P.K.S., Leung, K.M.Y. (Eds.) (2014). The 7th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology. A special issue in Marine Pollution Bulletin 85(2): 315-830.
Refereed Journal Articles: *Corresponding author
Articles under review/ in submission:
Xu, Z.H., Shi, D., Wang, Y.*, Feng, C.L., Chen, Y.Q., Nam, S.H., An, Y.J., Leung, K.M.Y., Wu, F.C.* (in preparation). Technical study on the national mandatory standards in Korea: Evaluation and implication for advancing the water quality management system. Environmental Pollution.
Zhou, G.J.*, Lai, R.W.S., Kim, M.S., Kim, M.S., Lee, Y.H., Lee, J.S., Leung, K.M.Y.* (in preparation). Retinoic acids can hinder molting and development of the marine copepod Tigriopus japonicus as revealed by transcriptomics. Environmental Science & Technology.
Shen, M.-C., Liu, G.-J.*, Zhou, L., Liu, R.-J., Leung, K.M.Y., Yin, H., Hu, Y.-Y., Arif, M. (in preparation). A comprehensive risk assessment of non-dioxin-like and dioxin-like PCBs in indoor and outdoor dust from Hefei, China. Environmental Research.
Huang, Q, Li, L.-G., Deng, Yu, Leung, K.M.Y., Zhang, T.* (in preparation). Community-based quantitative microbial source tracking across diverse environments using machine-learning classification. Environmental Science & Technology.
Li, X.S., Shiu, K.C.H., Xuan, D.X., Lo, C.C., Astudillo, J.C., Leung, K.M.Y., Poon, C.S.* (in preparation). Marine bio-colonization performance of eco-friendly concrete prepared with seawater, sea sand and solid wastes. Coastal Engineering.
Chen, C., Bu, C.C., Ruan, Y.F.*; Wang, Q., Zhang, Y.T., Xu, S.P., Hua, Y., Jia, R.L., Wang, X.L., Lin, H.J., Ma, L.M., Leung, K.M.Y.* (under review). Occurrence and ecological risks of pharmaceuticals along Yangtze River Basin of China: Insights from target analysis and suspect screening strategy". Journal of Hazardous Materials.
Sun, B.L., Liu, M.Y., Li, J., Zhou, B.S., Leung, K.M.Y., Hu, C.Y., Chen, L.G.* (under review). Young fecal transplantation counteracts pollutant–induced neurotoxicity and promotes healthy aging. Advanced Science.
Firth, L.B.*, ....Leung, K.M.Y. et al. (under review). Micro-refuges or ecological traps: evaluating the role of rock pools in sustaining intertidal biodiversity across latitudes. One Earth.
Zhang, Z.K., Chen, Z.L., Liu,Y.J., Yi, Y.B., Cai, R.H., Ye, M., Liu, M.Y., Yan, M., Leung, K.M.Y., He, D.* (under review). Molecular fingerprints of dissolved organic matter leached from microplastics over prolonged photochemical aging: Implications for aquatic carbon cycling. Environmental Science & Technology.
Tao, D.Y., Li, C.Z., Sun, Y.J., Ruan, Y.F., Such, J.J., Jin, Q.Q., Lu, Y.C., Kot, B.C.W., Liang, B., Liu, W.H., Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, P.K.S., Lam, He, Y.H.* (under review). Emerging pollutants threaten marine life: Liquid crystal monomers found in South China Sea cetaceans raise health concerns. Nature Sustainability.
Jian, Y., Kwok, W.M.S., Lin, H.J., Leung, R.W.S., Xu, S.P., Astudillo, J.C., Liu, M.Y.*, Leung, K.M.Y.* (under review). Positive impacts of the legislation on organotin contamination in the marine environment of Hong Kong. Environment International.
Xu, S.P., Zhang, K., Lao, J.Y., Wang, Q., Jiang, Y., Li, C., Kwok, J.K., Cao, G.D., Chen, C., Deng, Y., Leung K.M.Y.* (under review). Rubber-derived chemicals in urban sewer networks and receiving waters: Fingerprints, driving factors and ecological impacts. Water Research.
Cheng, Y.H., Wang, Y.*, Xu, Z.H., Feng, C.L., Dong, Z.M., Fan, W.H., Leung, K.M.Y., Wu, F.C.* (under review). Predicting the site-specific toxicity of metals to fishes using a new machine learning based approach. Environmental Science & Technology.
Wang, Y., Dong, J.C., Zhou, Y.C., Cheng, Y.H., Zhao, X.L., Peijnenburg, W., Vijver, M.G., Leung, K.M.Y., Fan, W.H.*, Wu, F.C.* (under review). Addressing the data scarcity problem in ecotoxicology via small data machine learning models. Environmental Science & Technology.
Ye, L.W., Hu, Q, Cai, W.L., Yan, M., Zhong, L., Gao, S.G., Lam, V.T.T., Chen, X.N., Heng, H., Guo, Z.H., Chan, E.W.C., Li, F.Y., Leung, K.M.Y., Chen, S.* (under review). High contamination of resistome and virulome in the gut microbiome of wild marine fish of South China Sea. Microbiological Research.
Zhao, R.J., Lam, V.T.T., Chen, Y.F.,, Kang, B., Leung, K.M.Y.*, Yan, M.* (under review). A framework for evaluating the marine conservation effect using Hill numbers and taxonomy-free environmental DNA metabarcoding strategy. Conservation Biology.
Mei, L., Sun, M.Z., Yang, R.J., Ying, T., Yan, R.X., Zheng, W.K., Zhang, Y., Hu, H.L., Zhang, Z., Voiry, D., Leung, K.M.Y., Tang, C.Y., Huang, B.L.*, Zeng, Z.Y.* (under review). High efficiency gold extraction by 2D metallic 1T/1T′ phase transition metal dichalcogenides. Nature Communications.
Lai, R.W.S.*, Xie, M.Y., Astudillo, J.C., Bradford, T.E., Lo, C.C., Qian, D., Yan, M., Leung, K.M.Y., Hou, P., Zhu, X.W., Lee, S.M.Y., Lam, C.C., Li, Y.J., Lu, X.X. (under review). Greening grey infrastructure: how to design and assess coastal eco-engineering interventions? Ecological Engineering.
Du, S.C., Lin, H.J., Luo, Q., Man, C.L., Lai, S.H., Ho, K.F., Leung, K.M.Y., Lee, P.K.H.* (major revision). Endocrine-disrupting chemicals and pharmaceuticals shape house dust microbiomes and drive phage-mediated antibiotic resistance and virulence dissemination. Microbiome.
Lo, C.C., Astudillio, J.C.*, Bradford, T.E., Wong, C., Leung, K.M.Y.* (major revision). Enhancing alpha and beta diversity on vertical seawalls by retrofitting eco-engineered panels. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
Wang, Q., Ruan, Y.F.*, Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, P.K.S. (under review). Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the marine environment: An overview and prospects. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
Tee, K.A., Xie, M.Y., Jin, L.J., Kot, B.C.W., Tsui, M.T.K., Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, P.K.S., Ruan, Y.F.* (under review). Exposure and tissue distribution analyses of brominated flame retardants in Neophocaena phocaenoides through physiologically based toxicokinetic (PBTK) modeling. Aquatic Toxicology.
Xie, N.Y., Wang, Q.*, Du, S.C., Sao, Y.T., Jin, L.J., Yan, M., Lee, P.K.H., Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, P.K.S., Ruan, Y.F.* (under review). Emerging per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) cause intestinal barrier dysfunction in marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma). Journal of Hazardous Materials.
Shu, Y.L., Wang, Q., He, J., Zhang, H.J., Hong, P., Leung, K.M.Y.*, Chen, L.G.*, Wu, H.L.* (under review). Perfluorobutane sulfonate interfering with the intestinal remodeling during Lithobates catesbeiana metamorphosis via the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis. Environmental Science & Technology.
Liu, X.T., Liang, B., Yao, S.Y., Ciong, A.Q., Zhang, X.H., Sun, Y.J., Zhang, L., Li, C.C., Ruan, Y.F., Yan, M., Ho, Y.W., Fang, J.K.H., Wang, B., Leusch, F., Schlenk, Liu, W.H.*, Leung, K.M.Y.*, Jin, L.N.* (under review). Interplay of natural toxins and anthropogenic contaminants in species-specific seawater cytotoxicity: Insights from cetacean skin fibroblasts. Environmental Science & Technology.
Li, J., Wang, Q., Hu, C.Y., Sun, B.J., Yang, Z.X., Zhou, B.S., Leung, K.M.Y., Chen L.G.* (under review). Effects of chemical speciation on chronic thyroid toxicity of representative perfluoroalkyl acids. Environmental Science & Technology.
Sun, B.L., Hu. C.Y., Zhou, B.S., Leung, K.M.Y., Chen, L.G.* (under review). Fish skin mucus vitellogenin as a noninvasive, sensitive biomarker for aquatic xenoestrogens.
Environmental Science & Technology. -
Bradford, T.E., Astudillo, J.C.*, Lai, C., Leung, R.W., Minuti, J.J., Hawkins, S.J., Morris, R.L., Chan, J.K.Y., Leung, K.M.Y.* (major revision). Greening of grey and murky harbours: enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem functioning on artificial shorelines. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
Bradford, T.E., Lo, C.C., Astudillo, J.C.*, Leung, R.W., Lai, C., Minuti, J.J., Wong, C., Hawkins, S.J., Leung, K.M.Y.* (major revision). Turning riprap into reefs: integrating oyster shells into shoreline armouring. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
Li, L., Li, B., Yin, X., Xia, Y., Yang, Y., Xu, X., Lam, T.T.Y., Leung, K.M.Y. , .... Alvarez, P.J.J., Blaser, M.J., Topp, E., Zhang, T.* (under review). One health and antibiotic resistance: Connectivity of different sectors. Nature Water.
Bao, Y.Y., Ho, Y.W., Shen, Z.Y., Fang, J.K.H.*, Leung, K.M.Y., Lee, P.K.H.* (under review). Ecological roles and microbial exchange capabilities of the plastisphere are distinct from microbiomes associated with natural particles in urban rivers. Environmental Science & Technology.
Wang, Q., Ruan, Y.F.*, Huang, G.L., Jin, L.J., Shao, Y.T., Lao, J.Y., Zhang, K., Wu, J.X., Leung, K.M.Y., Huang, B.S., Lam, P.K.S.* (under review). Assessing health risks to cetaceans from extensive per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance discharge in the northern South China Sea. Environmental Science & Technology.
Luo, Q., Chen, C.*, Lai, R.W.S., Xu, S.P., Adedipe, D., Zhou, G.J., Leung, K.M.Y.* (major revision). A robust method to quantify pharmaceuticals for the UN-endorsed Global Estuaries Monitoring Programme. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
Wang, Q., Ruan, Y.F.*, Shao, Y.T., Jin, L.J., Xie, N.Y., Yang, X.Q., Hong, Y.Y., Wang, H., Tsujimoto, A., Yasuhara, M., Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, P.K.S. (major revision). Spatial distribution, historical dynamics, and ecological risk of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in subtropical estuarine sediments: Insights into chlorinated polyfluoroalkyl ether sulfonate transformation. Environmental Science & Technology.
Qiu, W.H., Yang, G., Cao, L., Li, Y.Z., Fang, D., Dong, Z,M., Magnuson, J.T., Schlenk, D., Leung, K.M.Y., Zheng, Y., Zeng, Z.Z., Feng, L., Tao, S., Zheng, C.M.* (major revision). Global risks of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances exposure through marine fish consumption. Science.
Chan, S.S.W., Lee, G.Y., Leung, P.T.Y., Wai, T.C., Liu, M., Yan, M.*, Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, P.K.S. (under review). Seasonal growth of macroalgae (Sargassum) shapes juvenile fish assemblages on subtropical reefs. Frontiers in Marine Science.
Batool, A., Shao, S., Majhi, K.C., Mushtaq, A., Yi, J., Ho, W.K., Tsang, Y.F., He, Y., Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, J.C.H.* (under review). MnO2-catalyzed electrocatalytic mineralization of triclosan in chlorinated wastewater. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology.
He, J.M., Li, C.Y., Wang, S.Q., Chung, J.T.H., Chen, P.L., Ou, F.Z., Chan, L.L., Wu, J.J., Leung, K.M.Y., Qin, X., Kwong, S.T.W.* (under review). Empowering coral reef monitoring and conservation with deep learning-based coral image segmentation. Information Science.
Wang, M.X., Yang, X.L., Li, X.J., Yuan, Y.W., Cheng, J.W., Mu, Y.S.*, Zhao, X.Li., Wu, F.C.*, Leung, K.M.Y., Shin, H.M., Sayes, C.M., Giesy, J.P. (under review). Machine learning model for predicting water quality criteria to protect aquatic organisms from effects of micro- and nano-plastics. Environment International.
Huang, Y.L., Zhang, X.L.*, Sheng, X.S., Shen, L.Y., Leung, K.M.Y.* (under review). Habit-based interventions for maintaining reduction in disposable cutlery usage: A longitudinal experiment. Waste Management.
Huang, Y.L., Zhang, X.L.*, Leung, K.M.Y.*, Bradford, T., Astudillo, J.C., Sheng, X.S. (minor revision). Does changing behavioral intentions engender actual behavior change? The context of coastal ecological engineering. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
Huang, Y.L., Zhang, X.L.*, Zhang, Y., Leung, K.M.Y. (major revision). Money makes the world go around? The long-term effectiveness of payment for ecosystem services Ecosystem Services.
Chen, H.G., Astudillo, J.C., Chow, C.L., Leung, K.M.Y.*, Lau, D.* (under review). Upcycling used engine oil into concrete: Ecological and mechanical performances in coastal applications. Journal of Cleaner Production.
Zhao, R.J., Lam, V.T.T., Chen, Y.F., Sit, J.Y.F., Li, J.L., Leung, K.M.Y.*, Meng, Y.* (major revision). Revealing fish biodiversity in Hong Kong waters using environmental DNA metabarcoding with a highlight of Chondrichthyans. Regional Studies in Marine Science.
Ying, T., Onofrio, N., Mei, L., Peng, H., Zhang, Z., Gu, M., Ma, C., Chen, Y., Leung, K.M.Y., Tang, C.Y., Voiry, D.*, Zeng, Z.-Y.* (major revision). Vacancy functionalized MoS2 nano-laminated membranes for efficient sieving in forward osmosis. Nature Communications.
Published journal articles:
2025/ in press
[322] Cai, M.G.*, Liu, M.Y., Hossain, K.B., Wang, J.G., Zhou, Y., Yan, M., Leung, K.M.Y. (2025). Current status and emerging techniques for sampling, separating, and identifying microplastics in freshwater environments. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 118151 [IF: 11.8]
[321] Hong, P., Pang, Y., Xu, J., Wang, Q., Lin, H.J., Ruan, Y.F., Shu, Y.L., Zhang. K.*, Leung, K.M.Y.* (2025). Transformation fate of bisphenol A in aerobic denitrifying cultures and its coercive mechanism on the nitrogen transformation pathway. Environmental Research 268: 120816. [IF: 7.7]
[320] Lao, J.Y., Li, T.Y., Le, J., Qin, X., Su, W.Y., Lin, H.J., Ruan, Y.F., Zeng, E.Y., Leung, K.M.Y.*, Lam, P.K.S.* (2025). Unveiling emerging polycyclic aromatic compounds in the urban atmospheric particulate matter. Environment International 195: 109263. [IF: 10.3]
[319] Mao, X.M., Yin, X., Yang, Y., Gao, F.Z., Li, S.X., Shi, X.H., Deng, Y., Li, L.G., Leung, K.M.Y.*, Zhang, T.* (2025). Longitudinal metagenomic analysis on antibiotic resistome, mobilome, and microbiome of river ecosystems in a sub-tropical metropolitan city. Water Research 274, 123102. [IF: 11.5]
[318] Fung, L.T., Liu, M.Y., Yang, K., Cao, Y.R., Chen, Y.F., Yan, M.*, Leung, K.M.Y. (2025). Plasticizers released from PVC microplastics in aquaculture environments: Leaching behaviors and ecological implications. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00343-025-4230-1 [IF: 1.3]
[317] Ye, P.Y., Chen, J.P.*, Lo, L.S.H., Liu, J.Y., Li, C., So, J.Y., Zia, F., Yan, M., Wang, J.J., U, C., Qiu, J.W., Cai, W.L., Leung, K.M.Y. (2025). Environmental DNA/RNA metabarcoding for noninvasive and comprehensive monitoring and assessment of marine fishes. Marine Pollution Bulletin 211: 117422. [IF: 5.3]
[316] Gu, J., Ip, J.C.H., Chan, S.S.W., Li, J., Lam, V.T.T., Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, P.K.S., Leung, P.T.Y., Yan, M.* (2025). Effects of temperature on physiology, transcription, and toxin production of the harmful benthic dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus belizeanus. Marine Pollution Bulletin 211: 117377 [IF: 5.3]
[315] Fan, W.Y., Zhang, X., Xie, D.H., Leung, K.M.Y., Sheng, G.P.* (2025). Cerium-based nanohydrolase for fast catalytic hydrolysis of β-lactam antibiotics in wastewater effluents. Journal of Hazardous Materials 484, 136800. [IF: 12.2]
[314] Shao, Y.T., Wang, Q., Tee, K.A., Jin, L.J., Yang, X.Q., Hong, Y.Y., Wang, H., Tsujimoto, A., Yasuhara, M., Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, P.K.S., Ruan, Y.F.* (2025). Decoding historical and emerging environmental concerns of C6−36 chlorinated paraffins: Insights from marine sediment cores in the Pearl River Estuary. Environmental Pollution 366, 125435. [IF: 7.6]
[313] Liu, M.Y., Zheng, H.W., Li, H.L., Chen, F.J., Cui, B.W., Lou, L.H., Wang, W.M., Zhang, H.F., Chen, C.Q., Lin, H.J., Jiang, Y., Ye, J.D., Yan, M., Leung, K.M.Y.*, Cai, M.Q.* (2024). Pyrogenic PAHs have different biogeochemical fates in the Eastern Indian Ocean. Environmental Science & Technology 58: 22405–22416 [IF: 10.8]
[312] Liu, M.Y., Zheng, H.W., Li, H.L., Chen, F.J., Lou, L.H., Wang, W.M., Zhang, H.F., Chen, C.Q., Ye, J.D., Yan, M., Leung, K.M.Y.*, Cai, M.Q.* (2024). Field evidence and modeling validation of biogeochemical controls on the deposition of persistent organic pollutants in the deep ocean. Journal of Hazardous Materials 480: 136395, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.136395 [IF: 12.2]
[311] Ip, J.C.H., Loke, H.X., Yiu, S.K.F., Zhao, M.H., Li, Y.X., Lin, Y.T., How, C.M., Yan, M., Cheng, J.P., Lai, V.C.S., Chan, L.L., Leung, K.M.Y.*, Qiu, J.W.* (2024). Bottom trawling and multi-marker eDNA metabarcoding surveys reveal highly diverse vertebrate and crustacean communities: a case study in an urbanized subtropical estuary. Environmental DNA 6: e70031, https://doi.org/10.1002/edn3.70031 [a new journal]
[310] McLellan, S.L.*, Chariton, A.*, Condello, A., McClary-Gutierrez, J.S., Schussman, M.K., Marzinelli, E.M., O'Neil, J.M., Schott, E.J., Bowen, J.L., Vineis, J.H., Maignien, L., Lemonnier, C., Perennou, M., Gibb, K.S., Zhou, G.J., Leung, K.M.Y., Kirs, M., Griffith, J.F., Steele, J.A., Swearer, S.E., O'Brien, A.L., Song, D., Liang, S., Li, J., Airoldi, L., Mancuso, E.P., Salomon, P.S., Silva-Lima, A.W., Boehm, A., Lim, E.W.X., Wuertz, S., E., Fernández, Teira, E., Liao, M., Dong, Y.W., Steinberg, P. (2024). Universal microbial indicators provide surveillance of sewage contamination in harbours worldwide. Nature Water 2: 1061–1070, https://www.nature.com/articles/s44221-024-00315-5 [a new journal]
This paper was reported by Nature news as "Sewage lurks in coastal waters — often unnoticed by widely used test: Global survey finds human faecal contamination in at least one sample from all 18 cities tested": https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-03205-8
It was also reported by Nature Water news & views as "Lindner, B.G., Konstantinidis, K.T. Faecal contamination of the world’s harbours": https://doi.org/10.1038/s44221-024-00333-3
[309] Liu, M.Y., Liu, H.M., Yang, K., Li, J.J., Huang, C.Q., Yang, J.X., Chen, W.Q., Ying, K.Z., Leung, K.M.Y., Zhang, K., Xu, X.G., Liao, R.*, Yan, M.* (2024). Advancing the understanding of microplastic weathering: Insights from a novel polarized light scattering approach. Environmental Science & Technology 58: 19004–19015 [IF: 10.8]
[308] Xu, S.P., Wang, Q., Lao, J.Y., Cao, Y.R., Hong, P., Chen, C., Lam, E.Y., Fang, J.K.H., Lee, S., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2024). Tire additives in water: Leaching, transformation, and environmental risk assessment. Environmental Science & Technology 58: 18940–18949 [IF: 10.8]
[307] Mei, L., Sun, M., Yang, R.J., Zhang, Y.Q., Zhang, Y.F., Zhang, Z., Zheng, L., Chen, Y., Zhang, Q.H., Zhou, J., Zhu, Y., Leung, K.M.Y., Zhang, W.J., Fan, J., Huang, B., Zeng, X.C., Shin, H.S., Tang, C.Y., Gu, L., Voiry, D., Zeng, Z.Y.* (2024). Metallic 1T/1T′ phase TMD nanosheets with enhanced chemisorption sites for ultrahigh-efficiency lead removal. Nature Communications 15, 7770 [IF: 14.7]
[306] Liu, Q.H., Yuan, L., Li, Z.H., Leung, K.M.Y., Sheng, G.P.* (2024). Natural organic matter enhances natural transformation of extracellular antibiotic resistance genes in sunlit water. Environmental Science & Technology 58, 17990–17998 [IF: 10.8]
[305] Adedipe, D., Chen, C.*, Lai, R.W.S., Xu, S.P., Luo, Q., Zhou, G.J., Boxall, A., Brooks, B.W., Doblin, M., Shen, Y., Wang, J.Y., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2024). Occurrence and potential risks of pharmaceutical contamination in global estuaries: A review. Environment International 192: 109031. [IF: 10.3]
[304] Wang, Y.L., Jin, Q.Q., Lin, H.J., Xu, X.T., Leung, K.M.Y., Kannan, K., He, Y.H.* (2024). A review of liquid crystal monomers (LCMs) as emerging contaminants: Environmental occurrences, emissions, exposure routes and toxicity. Journal of Hazardous Materials 480, 135894 [IF: 12.2]
[303] How, C.M., Ip, J.C.H., Deconinck, D., Zhao, M., Yan, M., Cheng, J.P., Leung, K.M.Y., Chan, L.L., Qiu, J.W.* (2024). Refining sampling efforts for fish diversity assessment in subtropical urban estuarine and oceanic waters using environmental DNA with multiple primers. Environmental DNA 6: e70013 [a new journal]
[302] Yang, Y., Han, J.R., Li, W.X., Chang, X.Y., He, Y.H., Zhang, X.R.*, Leung, K.M.Y. (2024). Nanoplastics enhanced the developmental toxicity of aromatic disinfection byproducts to a marine polychaete at non-feeding early life stage. Chemosphere 364: 143062 [IF: 8.1]
[301] Zhou, Y.C., Wang, Y.*, Peijnenburg, W., Vijver, M.G., Balraadjsing, S., Dong, Z.M., Zhao, V.L., Leung, K.M.Y., Mortensen, H.M., Wang, Z.Y., Lynch, I., Afantitis, A., Mu, Y.S., Wu, F.C., Fan, W.H.* (2024). Application of machine learning in nanotoxicology: A critical review and perspective. Environmental Science & Technology 58: 14973–14993 [IF: 10.8]
[300] Zhao, R.J., Kang, B., Chen, Y.F., Lam, V.T.T., AFCD Officers, Leung, K.M.Y.*, Yan, M.* (2024). Multifaceted biological indicators reveal a rational conservation scheme for marine protected areas. Ecological Indicators 166: 112389 [IF: 7.0]
[299] Lao, J.Y., Huang, G.L., Wu, R.B., Liang, W.H., Xu, S.P., Luo, Q., Zhang, K., Ruan, Y.F.*, Leung, K.M.Y.*, Lam, P.K.S. (2024). Aggravating pollution of emerging aryl organophosphate esters in urban estuarine sediments of South China. Environmental Science & Technology 58: 13415–13425 [IF: 10.8]
[298] Wang, Q., Ruan, Y.-F.*, Shao, Y., Jin, L., Xie, N., Yan, M., Chen L., Schlenk, D., Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, P.K.S. (2024). Stereoselective bioconcentration and neurotoxicity of perfluoroethylcyclohexane sulfonate in marine medaka. Environmental Science & Technology 58, 12933–12942 [IF: 10.8]
[297] Xu, Z.H., Wang, Y.*, Xie, D., Shi, D., He, J., Chen, Y.Q., Feng, C.L., Giesy, J.P., Leung, K.M.Y., Wu, F.C.* (2024). Resilient water quality management: Insights from Japan's environmental quality standards for conserving aquatic life framework. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology 22: 100472 [IF: 14..0]
[296] Ip, J.C.H., Leung, P.T.Y., Ho, K.K.Y., Qiu, J.W., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2024). Transcriptomic analysis reveals the endocrine toxicity of tributyltin and triphenyltin on the whelk Reishia clavigera and mechanisms of imposex formation. Environment International 190: 108867 [Open Access] [IF: 10.3]
[295] Zhang, K., Cheng, M.C.Y., Liu, M.Y.*, Xu, S.P., Ma, Y., Chau, H.S., Chen, L.L., Cao, Y.R., Yan, M., Xu, X.R., Thoe, W., Sun, S.W.C., Yang, R.R., Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, P.K.S.* (2024). Microplastics in Hong Kong's marine waters: Impact of rainfall and Pearl River discharge. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 205: 116635. [IF: 5.3]
[294] Wat, C.C.Y., Xin, X.Y.*, Lai, R.W.S., Mao, X.M., Leung, K.M.Y. (2024). Impact of environmental factors changes induced by marine heatwaves and heavy precipitation on antibiotic toxicity to Isochrysis galbana: Implications for climate change adaptation. Marine Pollution Bulletin 203: 116453 [IF: 5.3]
[293] Song, F.H., Li, T.T., Hur, J., Chow, A.T.S., Leung, K.M.Y., Wu, F.C. (2024). Wildfire-derived pyrogenic organic matter posing overlooked emerging risks to aquatic ecosystems. Environmental Science & Technology 58: 11209–11212. [IF: 10.8]
[292] He, C., Yin, Z.Y., Stocchino, A.*, He, Y.H., Leung, K.M.Y., De Leo, F., Yin, Z.Y., Jin, Y.F. (2024). Risk assessment of e-waste - Liquid crystal monomers re-suspension caused by coastal dredging operations. Science of the Total Environment 933: 173176. [IF: 8.2]
[291] Zhang, Y., Jiang, F., Li, F., Lu, S., Liu, Z., Wang, Y., Chi, Y., Jiang, C., Zhang, L., Chen, Q., He, Z., Zhao, X.L., Qiao, J., Xu, X., Leung, K.M.Y., Liu, X., Wu, F.C.* (2024). Global daily mask use estimation in the pandemic and its post environmental health risks: Analysis based on a validated dynamic mathematical model. Journal of Hazardous Materials 473: 134572. [IF: 12.2]
[290] Wu, R.B., Sin, E.Y.Y., Cai, L., Wang, Y.J., Hu, M.H., Liu, X.S., Xu, W.Z., Kwan, K.Y., Goncalves, D., Chan, B.K.K., Zhang, K., Chui, A., Chua, S.L., Fang, J.K.H.*, Leung, K.M.Y.* (2024). Pharmaceutical residues in edible oysters along the coasts of the East and South China Seas and associated health risks to humans and wildlife. Environmental Science & Technology 58: 5512–5523. [Open Access] [IF: 10.8]
[289] Firth, L., Bone, J., Bartholomew, A., Bishop, M.J., Bugnot, A., Bulleri, F., Chee, S.-Y., Claassens, L., Dafforn, K.A., Fairchild, T.P., Hall, A.E., Hanley, M.E., Komyakova, V., Lemasson, A.J., Loke, L.H.L., Mayer-Pinto, M., Morris, R.L., Naylor, L., Perkins, M.J., Pioch, S., Porri, F., O'Shaughnessy, K.A., Schaefer, N., Strain, E.A., Toft, J.D., Waltham, N., Aguilera, M., Airoldi, L., Bauer, F., Brooks, P., Burt, J., Clubley, C., Cordell, J., Espinosa, F., Evans, A., Farrugia-Drakard, V., Froneman, W., Griffin, J., Hawkins, S.J., Heery, E., Herbert, R., Jones, E., Leung, K.M.Y., Moore, P., Sempere-Valverde, J., Sengupta, D., Sheaves, M., Swearer, S., Thompson, R.C., Todd, P., Knights, A.M. (2024). Coastal greening of grey infrastructure: an update on the state-of-the-art. Maritime Engineering (Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers), https://doi.org/10.1680/jmaen.2023.003 [IF: 2.7]
[288] Huang, Y.L., Zhang, X.L.*, Sheng, X.S., Wang, Y., Leung, K.M.Y. (2024). The impact of payment for ecosystem service schemes on participants’ motivation: A global assessment. Ecosystem Services 65: 101595 [IF: 6.1]
[287] Bao, Y., Ruan, Y., Wu, J., Wang, W.X., Leung, K.M.Y., Lee, P. K.H.* (2024). Metagenomics-based microbial ecological community threshold and indicators of anthropogenic disturbances in estuarine sediments. Environmental Science & Technology 58: 780–794. [IF: 10.8]
[286] Han, J.-R., Li, W.-X., Bao, S.-Y., Yang, Y., Zhang, X.-W.*, Zhang, X.-R.*, Zhang, T., Leung, K.M.Y. (2024). UV-based advanced oxidation processes for antibiotic resistance control: Efficiency, influencing factors, and energy consumption. Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eng.2023.09.021 [IF: 10.1]
[285] Sun, J., Rene, E.R., Tao, D.-Y., Lu, Y.-C., Jin, Q.-Q., Lam, J.C.H., Leung, K.M.Y., He, Y.-H.* (2024). Degradation of organic UV filters in the water environment: A concise review on the mechanism, toxicity, and technologies. Journal of Hazardous Materials 463: 132822. [IF: 12.2]
[284] Lin, H.J., Li, X.X., Qin, X., Cao, Y.R., Ruan, Y.R., Leung, M.K.H., Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, P.K.S., He, Y.H.* (2024). Particle size-dependent and route-specific exposure to liquid crystal monomers in indoor air: Implications for human health risk estimations. Science of the Total Environment 908: 168328. [IF: 8.2]
[283] Wang, L., Zhou, J.C., Li, Z.H., Zhang, X., Leung, K.M.Y., Yuan, L.*, Sheng, G.-P.* (2023). Facet-specific photocatalytic degradation of extracellular antibiotic resistance genes by hematite nanoparticles in aquatic environments. Environmental Science & Technology 57: 21835–21845. [IF: 10.8]
[282] Wang, Q., Ruan, Y.-F.*, Yuen, C.N.T., Lin, H.-J., Yeung, L.W.Y., Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, P.K.S.* (2023). Tracing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in the aquatic environment: Target analysis and beyond. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 169, 117351 [Open Access] [IF: 11.8]
[281] Liu, M.-Y., Zheng, H.-W., Cai, M.-G.*, Leung, K.M.Y., Yan, M., Zhang, Z.-F., Zhang, K., Chen, M., Ke, H.-W. (2023). Ocean stratification impacts on dissolved polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): From global observation to deep learning. Environmental Science & Technology 57: 18339-18349 [IF: 10.8]
[280] Shu, Y.L., Wang, Q., Hong, P., Ruan, Y.F., Lin, H.J., Xu, J., Zhang, H.J., Deng, S.T., Wu H.L.*, Chen, L.G.*, Leung, K.M.Y.* (2023). Legacy and emerging per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) surveillance in Bufo gargarizans from inlet watersheds of Chaohu Lake, China: Tissue distribution and bioaccumulation potential. Environmental Science & Technology 57: 13148–13160 [IF: 10.8]
[279] Lao, J.-Y., Xu, S.P., Zhang, K.*, Lin, H.-J., Cao, Y.R., Wu, R.B., Tao, D.Y., Ruan, Y.F., Leung, K.M.Y.*, Lam, P.K.S. (2023). A new perspective to understand and prioritize the ecological impacts of organophosphate esters and transformation products in urban stormwater and sewage effluents. Environmental Science & Technology 57: 11656–11665 [IF: 10.8]
[278] Wang, Q., Ruan, Y.-F.*, Jin, L.-J., Kot, B.C.W., Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, P.K.S.* (2023). Temporal trends and suspect screening of halogenated flame retardants and their metabolites in blubbers of cetaceans stranded in Hong Kong waters during 2013−2020. Environmental Science & Technology 57: 9298–9308 [Open Access] [IF: 10.8]
[277] Leung, K.M.Y.*, Astudillo, J.C., Fang, J.K.H. Qiu, J.W., Takeuchi, I. (2023). The Second International Conference on Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation of Marine Ecosystems (BECoME 2022). Regional Studies in Marine Science 63: 103039. [Editorial] [IF: 2.1]
[276] Wang, Q., Ruan, Y.-F.*, Jin, L.-J., Tao, L.S.R., Lai, H., Li, G.-F., Yeung, L.W.Y., Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, P.K.S.* (2023). Legacy and emerging per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in a subtropical marine food web: Suspect screening, isomer profile, and identification of analytical interference. Environmental Science & Technology 57: 8355–8364. [Open Access] [IF: 10.8]
[275] Lai, R.W.S.*, Zhou, G.J., Yung, M.M.N., Djurišić, A.B., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2023). Interactive effects of temperature and salinity on toxicity of zinc oxide nanoparticles towards the marine mussel Xenostrobus securis. Science of the Total Environment 889: 164254. [IF: 8.2]
[274] Song, F.-H., Li, T.-T., Wu, F.-C.*, Leung, K.M.Y., Hur, J., Zho, L.-F., Bai, Y.-C., Zhao, X.-L., He, W., Ruan, M.-Q. (2023). Temperature-dependent molecular evolution of biochar-derived dissolved black carbon and its interaction mechanism with polyvinyl chloride microplastics. Environmental Science & Technology 7: 7285–7297. [IF: 10.8]
[273] Zhao, L.-H., Teng, M.-M.*, Zhao, X.-L., Li, Y.X., Sun, J.-Q., Zhao, W.-T., Ruan Y.-F., Leung, K.M.Y. , Wu, F.-C. (2023). Insight into the binding model of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances to proteins and membranes. Environment International 175: 107951. [Open Access] [IF: 10.3]
[272] Cheung, C.Y., Leung, R.K.L., Law, C.S.W., Cheng, M.C.F., Leung, P.T.Y., Astudillo, J.C.*, Leung, K.M.Y.* (2023). Juvenile fish communities in coastal soft-bottom and shallow water habitats at the Tolo Harbour and Channel in Hong Kong, South China. Regional Studies in Marine Science 62: 102917. [IF: 2.1]
[271] Li, A.J., Lai, R.W.S.*, Zhou, G.-J., Leung, P.T.Y., Zeng, E.Y., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2023). Joint effects of temperature and copper exposure on developmental and gene-expression responses of the marine copepod Tigriopus japonicus. Ecotoxicology 32: 336-343. [IF: 2.4]
[270] Dai, M.H., Zhao, Y.Y., Chai, F., Chen, M.R., Chen, N.W., Chen, Y.M., Cheng, D.Y., Gan, J.P., Guan, D.B., Hong, Y.Y., Huang, J.L., Lee, Y.T., Leung, K.M.Y., Lim P.E., Lin S.J. Lin, X., Liu, X., Liu, Z.Q., Luo, W., Meng, F.F., Sangmanee, C., Shen, Y., Uthaipan, K., Talaat, W.I.A.W., Wan, X.H.S., Wang, C., Wang, D.Z., Wang, G.Z., Wang, S.L., Wang, Y.M., Wang, Y.T., Wang, Z., Wang Z.X., Xu, Y.P., Yang, J.Y.T., Yang, Y., Yasuhara, M., Yu, D., Yu, J.M., Yu, L.Q., Zhang, Z.K., Zhang, Z.L. (2023). Persistent eutrophication and hypoxia in the coastal ocean. Cambridge Prism: Coastal Future 1: e19, https://doi.org/10.1017/cft.2023.7 [IF: Not yet available as a new journal]
[269] Hu, C.G., Yue, F.G., Zhan, H.C., Leung, K.M.Y., Zhang, R.Q., Gu, W.H., Liu, H.W., Chen, A.F., Cao, Y., Wang, X.M.*, Xie, Z.Q.* (2023). Homologous series of n-alkanes and fatty acids in the summer atmosphere from the Bering Sea to the western North Pacific. Atmospheric Research 285: 106633. [IF: 4.5]
[268] Sun, J.-Q., Teng, M.-M., Zhu, W.-T., Leung, K.M.Y., Wu, F.-C.* (2023). Paternal inheritance is an important, but overlooked, factor affecting the adverse effects of microplastics and nanoplastics on subsequent generations. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 71: 991-993. [IF: 5.7]
[267] Lao, J.Y., Huang, G.L., Zhang, K., Wang, Q., Xu, S.P., Ruan, Y.F.*, Wu, J.X., Leung, K.M.Y., Zeng, E.Y., Huang, B.S., Lam, P.K.S.* (2023). Anthropogenic impacts on organophosphate ester loads to an urban estuary in South China. ACS ES&T Water 3: 203-212. [IF: 4.8]
[266] Yan, Z.-F., Feng, C.-L.*, Leung, K.M.Y., Lui, Y., Wang, J.D., Jin, X.W., Wu, F.-C.* (2023). Insights into the geographical distribution, bioaccumulation characteristics and ecological risks of organophosphate esters. Journal of Hazardous Materials 445: 130517. [IF: 12.2]
[265] Hu, C.-G., Zhan, H., Gu, W., Liu, H., Zhang, R., Chen, A., Yue, F., Leung, K.M.Y., Wang, X., Xie, Z.-Q.* (2023). Spatiotemporal distribution and influencing factors of secondary organic aerosols in the summer atmosphere from the Bering Sea to the western North Pacific. Science of the Total Environment 859: 160138. [IF: 8.2]
[264] Au, M.F.F., Au, H.M., Chu, W.K.V., Kwok, C.K., Cheung, S.G., Leung, K.M.Y., Qiu, J.W.* (2023). Spatial distribution, abundance, seasonality and environmental relationship of amphioxus in subtropical Hong Kong waters. Regional Studies in Marine Science 57: 102726. [IF: 2.1]
[263] Sun, J.-Q., Teng, M.-M., Wu, F.-C.*, Zhao, X.-L., Li, Y.-X., Zhou, L.-H., Zhao, W.-T., Lai, K.P., Leung, K.M.Y., Giesy, J.P. (2023). Adverse health effects and stresses on offspring due to paternal exposure to harmful substances. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 53: 1059-1084. https://doi.org/10.1080/10643389.2022.2129941 [IF: 11.4]

[262] Lai, R.W.S., Zhou, G.J.*, Kang, H.-M., Jeong, C.-B., Djurišić, A.B., Lee, J.-S., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2022). Contrasting toxicity of polystyrene nanoplastics to the rotifer Brachionus koreanus in the presence of zinc oxide nanoparticles and zinc ions. Aquatic Toxicology 253: 106332.
[261] Hu, C.-G., Wei, Z.-X., Zhan, H.-C., Gu, W.-H., Liu, H.-W., Chen, A., Jiang, B., Zhang, R.-Q., He, P.-Z., Fan, S.D., Yue, F.-G., Leung, K.M.Y., Wang, X.-M., Xie, Z.-Q.* (2022). Molecular characteristics, sources and influencing factors of isoprene and monoterpenes secondary organic aerosol tracers in the marine atmosphere over the Arctic Ocean. Science of the Total Environment 158645.
[260] Yeung, K.W.Y., Zhou, G.-J., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2022). Degradation and transformation of all-trans-retinoic acid in seawater: Implications on its fate and risk in the marine environment. Environmental Chemistry 19: 228-235.
[259] Zhang, K., Xu, S.-P., Zhang, Y.-N., Lo, Y.K., Liu, M.-Y., Ma, Y., Chau, H.S., Cao, Y.-R., Xu, X.-Y., Wu, R.-B., Lin, H.-J., Lao, J.-Y., Tao, D.-Y., Lau, F.T.K., Chiu, S.C., Wong, G.T.N., Lee, K., Ng, D.C.M., Cheung, S.G., Leung, K.M.Y.*, Lam, P.K.S.* (2022). A systematic study of microplastic occurrence in the urban water networks of a metropolis. Water Research 223: 118992. News Reports on this Research: SCMP1/ SCMP2/ RTHK/ ON.CC/ Singtao/ Wenweipo1/ Wenweipo2/ Takungpao/ Mingpao
[258] Ho, P.W.L.*, Chang, E.E.-S., Leung, C.-T., Liu, H.-F., Malki, Y., Pang, S.Y.Y., Choi, Z.Y.K., Liang, Y.-M., Lai, R.W.S., Ruan, Y.-F., Leung, K.M.Y., Yung, S., Mak, J.C.W., Kung, M.H.W., Ramsden, D.B., Ho, S.L.* (2022). Long-term inhibition of mutant LRRK2 hyper-kinase activity reduced brain α-synuclein oligomers without peripheral adverse effects. npj Parkinson's Disease 8: 115.
[257] Shen, M.-C., Liu, G.-J.*, Zhou, L., Yin, H., Arifa, M., Leung, K.M.Y. (2022). Spatial distribution, driving factors and health risks of fine particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from indoors and outdoors in Hefei, China. Science of the Total Environment 851: 158148.
[256] Cao, Y.-R., Lin, H.-J., Wang, Q., Li, J., Liu, M.-Y., Zhang, K.*, Xu, S.-P., Huang, G.-L., Ruan, Y.-F., Wu, J.-X., Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, P.K.S.* (2022). Significant riverine inputs of typical plastic additive-phthalate esters from the Pearl River Delta to the northern South China Sea. Science of the Total Environment 849: 157744. [Open Access]
[255] Lin, H.-J., Lao, J.-Y., Wang, Q., Ruan, Y.-F.*, He, Y.-H., Lee, P.K.H., Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, P.K.S.* (2022). Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the atmosphere of waste management infrastructures: Uncovering secondary fluorotelomer alcohols, particle size distribution, and human inhalation exposure. Environment International 167, 107434. [Open Access]
[254] Lao, J.-Y., Lin, H., Ruan, Y.-F.*, Leung, K.M.Y., Zeng, E.Y., Lam, P.K.S.* (2022). Insights into the atmospheric persistence, transformation, and health implications of organophosphate esters in urban ambient air. Environmental Science & Technology 56: 12003–12013. [Open Access]
[253] Leung, K.M.Y.*, Khim, J.S., Staneva, J. (2022). A time for rejuvenation of the journal after the first seven years. Regional Studies in Marine Science 55: 102577. [Editorial]
[252] Cao, Y.-R., Xu, S.-P., Zhang, K.*, Lin, H.-J., Wu, R.-B., Lao, J.Y., Tao, D.-Y., Liu, M.-Y., Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, P.K.S.* (2022). Spatiotemporal occurrence of phthalate esters in stormwater drains of Hong Kong, China: Mass loading and source identification. Environmental Pollution 308: 119683. News Reports on this Research: ON.CC/ SKY/ Mingpao/ HK01/
[251] Lao, J.-Y., Wu, R.-B., Cui, Y.-S., Zhou, S.-W., Ruan, Y.-F.,*, Leung, K.M.Y., Wu, J.-X., Zeng, E.Y., Lam, P.K.S.* (2022). Significant input of organophosphate esters through particle-mediated transport into the Pearl River Estuary, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials 438: 129486.
[250] Yeung, K.W.Y., Ho, K.K.Y., Zhou, G.J.*, Ruan, Y.F., Lam, P.K.S., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2022). Spatiotemporal variations of retinoic acids and their metabolites in the marine environment of Hong Kong. Marine Pollution Bulletin 181: 113878.
[249] Xu, Z., Wang, Y.*, Wu, F.-C.*, Feng, C.-L., Cheng, Y.-H., Dong, Z.-M., Kidd, K.A., Brooks, B.W., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2022). Sturgeons are biodiversity priorities needing special protection from chemicals and waste. Environmental Science and Technology 56: 9847-9850. [Viewpoint]
[248] Zhao, X.-L.*, Wang, J.-Y., Leung, K.M.Y., Wu, F.-C.* (2022). Color: An important but overlooked factor for plastic photoaging and microplastic formation. Environmental Science & Technology 56: 9161–9163. [Viewpoint]
[247] Li, A.J., Zhou, G.-J.*, Lai, R.W.S., Leung, P.T.Y., Wu, C.C., Zeng, E.Y., Lui, G.C.S., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2022). Extreme cold or warm events can potentially exacerbate chemical toxicity to the marine medaka fish Oryzias melastigma. Aquatic Toxicology 249: 106226.
[246] Tao, D.-Y., Jin, Q.-Q., Ruan, Y.-F., Zhang, K., Zhan, Y.-T., Wu, J.-X., Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, P.K.S., He, Y.-H.* (2022). Widespread occurrence of emerging e-waste contaminants - liquid crystal monomers in sediments of the Pearl River Estuary, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials 437: 129377. [Open Access]
[245] Lao, J.-Y., Ruan, Y.-F.*, Leung, K.M.Y., Zeng, E.Y., Lam, P.K.S.* (2022). Review on age-specific exposure to organophosphate esters: Multiple exposure pathways and microenvironments. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, https://doi.org/10.1080/10643389.2022.2087428
[244] Strain, E.M.A., Lai, R.W.S., White, C., Piarulli, S., Leung, K.M.Y., Airoldi, L., O'Brien, A. (2022). Marine pollution: emerging issues and challenges. Frontiers in Marine Science 9: 918984. [Open Access] [Editorial]
[243] Wang, Q., Ruan, Y.-F., Jin, L.-J., Lin, H.-J., Yan, M., Gu, J.R., Yuen, C., Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, P.K.S.* (2022). Tissue-specific uptake, depuration kinetics, and suspected metabolites of four emerging per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in marine medaka. Environmental Science & Technology 56: 6182–6191
[242] Song, F.-H., Li, T.-T., Wu, F.-C.*, Leung, K.M.Y., Bai, Y.-C., Zhao, X.-L. (2022). Dynamic evolution and covariant response mechanism of volatile organic compounds and residual functional groups during the real-time pyrolysis of coal and biomass fuels. Environmental Science & Technology 56: 5409–5420.
[241] Hong, P., Zhang, K., Dai, Y., Yuen, C.N.T., Gao, Y.-X., Gu, Y.-L., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2022). Application of aerobic denitrifier for simultaneous removal of nitrogen, zinc, and bisphenol A from wastewater. Bioresource Technology 354: 127192. [IF: 11.4]
[240] Yeung, K.W.Y., Lai, R.W.S., Zhou, G.J.*, Leung, K.M.Y.* (2022). Concentration-response of six marine species to all-trans retinoic acids and its ecological risk to the marine environment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 235: 113455. [Open Access]
[239] Chen, C.-Z., Chen, L., Huang, Q.-H.*, Zhang, W., Leung, K.M.Y. (2022). Pulsed distribution of organotin in the turbidity maximum zone of the Yangtze Estuary throughout a tidal cycle. Marine Pollution Bulletin 178: 113600.
[238] Cao, Y.-R., Lin, H.-J., Zhang, K.*, Xu, S.-P., Yan, M., Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, P.K.S.* (2022). Microplastics: A major source of phthalate esters in aquatic environments. Journal of Hazardous Materials 432: 128731.
[237] Wilkinson, J.L.*, Boxall, A.B.A., Kolpin, D., Leung, K.M.Y., Lai, R.W.S. et al. (127 authors in total) (2022). Pharmaceutical pollution of the world’s rivers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 19(8): e2113947119 [Open Access] News Reports on this Research in Hong Kong: SCMP/ HK01/ On CC/ Sky Post/ Wenweipo/ RTHK Backchat/ SCMP Editorial; New Reports Worldwide (Examples): The Guardian/ BBC
This paper was awarded the 2022 Cozzarelli Prize of PNAS (in the Category VI: Applied Biological, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences) on 30 April 2023. The annual Cozzarelli Prize aims to recognize the best paper in PNAS for each of the six subject categories ( https://www.pnas.org/post/update/2022-cozzarelli-prize-recipients ). This work also received the “2022 International Collaboration of the Year” Award from The Times Higher Education.
[236] Tao, D.-Y., Zhang, K.*, Xu, S.-P., Lin, H.-J., Liu, Y., Kang, J.-L., Yim, T.W., Giesy, J.P., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2022). Microfibers released into the air from a household tumble dryer. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 9: 120-126 [Open Access] News Reports on this Research: The Guardian/ Daily Mail/ The Independent/ iNews/ Channel News/ CBC Radio/ News Hub/ SciTech Daily/ Techzle/ EcoWatch/ ZME Science/ Technology Networks/ Techno Trenz/ The Stars/ COSMOS/ Earth.com/ Korean DAUM/ Japan COURRIER/ Scientias/ E&T Magazine/ Ecotextile/ Brinkwire/ Nation of Change/ Russia Lenta/ hvg.hu/ Die Presses/ ladepeche.fr/ visao.sapo.pt/ Elespectador/ tag43.it / Science News for Students/ News in Hong Kong: On CC/ Sky Post/ HK01
This paper was specially mentioned in a Focus article in Environmental Health Perspectives "An Ill Wind? Growing Recognition of Airborne Nano- and Microplastic Exposures" https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP12662 (EHP Vol. 131, No. 4) [April 2023]
It was also featured in the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC) Review 23(2): 16-21 [March 2023].
[235] Yang, Y., Zhang, X.-R.*, Jiang, J.-Y., Han, J.-R., Li, W.-X., Li, X.-Y., Leung, K.M.Y., Snyder, S.A., Alvarez, P.J.J. (2022). Which micropollutants in water environments deserve more attention globally? Environmental Science & Technology 56: 13-29
This paper was selected as one of the recipients of the 2022 ES&T Best Paper Award [April 2024].
[234] Wang, L., Yuan, L., Li, Z.-H., Zhang, X., Leung, K.M.Y., Sheng, G.-P.* (2022). Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) associated antibiotic resistance genes in activated sludge along the AAO process: Distribution and microbial secretors. Science of the Total Environment 816: 151575
[233] Cao, Y.-R., Li, J., Wu, R.-B., Lin, H.-J., Lao, J.-Y., Zhang, K.*, Ruan, Y.-F., Wu, J.-X., Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, P.K.S.* (2022). Phthalate esters in seawater and sediment of the Northern South China Sea: Occurrence, distribution and ecological risks. Science of the Total Environment 811: 151412
[232] Wang, X.-L., Wu, F.-C.*, Zhao, X.L.*, Zhang, X., Wang, J.Y., Niu, L., Liang, W-Q., Leung, K.M.Y., Giesy, J.P. (2022). Enlightenment of COVID-19 pandemic: Roles of environmental factors in the future public health emergency response. Engineering 8: 108-115. [Open Access]
[231] Sun, J., Yang, S., Zhou, G.J., Zhang, K., Lu, Y., Jin, Q., Lam, P.K.S., Leung, K.M.Y., He, Y.* (2021). Release of microplastics from disposal surgical masks and their adverse impacts on the marine copepod Tigriopus japonicus. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 12: 1065–1070 [Open Access] SCMP News Report/ Report 1/ Report 2/ Report 3/ Report 4/ Report 5/ Report 6/ Report 7/ CityU Press Release
[230] Zhou, G.J.*, Ho, K.K.Y., Ip, J.C.H., Liu, S., Hu, J.Y., Giesy, J.P., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2021). Insights into the possible influence of natural retinoic acids on imposex induction in female marine gastropod. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 8: 1002-1008. [Open Access]
[229] Wong, K.J.H.*, Tao, L.S.R., Leung, K.M.Y. (2021). Subtidal crabs of Hong Kong: Brachyuran (Crustacea: Decapoda) from benthic trawl surveys conducted by the University of Hong Kong, 2012 to 2018. Regional Studies in Marine Science 48: 102013. [Open Access] News Report 1/ Report 2/ Report 3/ Report 4
[228] Mak, Y.K.Y., Tao, L.S.R.*, Ho, V.C.M., Dudgeon, D., Cheung, W.W.L., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2021). Initial recovery of demersal fish communities in coastal waters of Hong Kong, South China, following a trawl ban. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 32: 989-2007. [Open Access] SCMP News Report / CityU Press Release
[227] Sun, F.-H., Mu, Y.-S., Leung, K.M.Y., Su, H.-L., Wu, F.-C.*, Chang, H. (2021). China is establishing its water quality standards for enhancing protection of aquatic life in freshwater ecosystems. Environmental Science and Policy 124: 413-422.
[226] Li, J., Ruan, Y.F.*, Mak, Y.L., Zhang, X.H., Lam, J.C.W., Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, P.K.S.* (2021). Occurrence and trophodynamics of marine lipophilic phycotoxins in a subtropical marine food web. Environmental Science & Technology 55: 6917–6925.
[225] Tao, L.S.R., Ho, V.C.M., Mak, Y.K.Y., Sham, R.C.T., Yau, J.K.C., Hui, T.T.Y., Lau, D.C.P., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2021). Improvements of population fitness and trophic status of a benthic predatory fish following a trawling ban. Frontiers in Marine Science 8: 614219. [Open Access] SCMP News Report / CityU Press Release
[224] Mu, Y.-S.*, Shao, M.-C., Zhong, B.-Q., Zhao, Y.-Q., Leung, K.M.Y., Giesy, J.P., Ma, J., Wu, F.-C.*, Zeng, F.-G. (2021). Transmission of SARS−CoV−2 virus and ambient temperature: A critical review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28: 37051–37059. [Open Access]
[223] Ip, J.C.H., Leung, P.T.Y., Qiu, J.W., Lam, P.K.S., Wong, C.K.C., Chan, L.L., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2021). Transcriptomics reveal triphenyltin-induced molecular toxicity in the marine mussel Perna viridis. Science of the Total Environment 790: 148040. [Open Access]
[222] Wu, R.S.S., Leung, S.F., Lee, S.Y., Leung, K.F., Shin, P.K.S., Chan, L., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2021). Tearful at the falling of a star: In memory of Professor Brian Morton (10th August 1942 – 28th March 2021). Marine Pollution Bulletin 172: 112481. (Editorial) [Open Access]
[221] Lai, R.W.S., Kang, H.-M., Zhou, G.J.*, Yung, M.N.M., He, Y.L., Ng, A.M.C., Li, X.Y., Djurišić, A.B., Lee, J.S., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2021). Hydrophobic surface coating can reduce toxicity of zinc oxide nanoparticles to the marine copepod Tigriopus japonicus. Environmental Science & Technology 55: 6917-6925.
[220] Yeung, K.W.Y., Zhou, G.J.*, Ruan, Y.F., Lam, P.K.S., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2021). Occurrence of retinoic acids and their metabolites in sewage treatment plants and their removal efficiencies by chemically enhanced primary treatment and secondary biological treatment. Chemosphere 280: 130745
[219] Leung, K.M.Y.*, Lam, P.K.S., Chan, K.M., Lam, J.C.W., Richardson, B.J. (2021). Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the ICMPE. Marine Pollution Bulletin 167: 112353. (Editorial)
[218] Wu, R.S.S., Giesy, J.P., Richardson B.J., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2021). In memory of Dr Doris Au (29 April 1965 - 7 February 2020). Marine Pollution Bulletin 167: 112278. (Editorial)
[217] Wang, Z., Leung, K.M.Y.*, Sung, Y.H., Dudgeon, D., Qiu, J.W.* (2021). Recovery of tropical marine benthos after a trawl ban demonstrates linkage between abiotic and biotic changes. Communications Biology 4: 212. [Open Access] SCMP News Report / CityU Press Release
[216] Svavarsson, J., Guls, H.D.*, Sham, R.C.T., Leung, K.M.Y., Halldórsson, H.P. (2021). Pollutants from shipping - New environmental challenges in the subarctic and the Arctic Ocean. Marine Pollution Bulletin 164: 112004.
[215] Garman, E.R.*, Schlekat, C.E., Middleton, E., Merrington, G., Peters, A., Smith, R., Stauber, J.L., Gissi, F., Binet, M., Leung, K.M.Y., Gilmore, M., Golding, L., Jolley, D., Wang, Z., Reichelt-Brushett, A. (2021). Development of a bioavailability-based risk assessment framework for nickel in Southeast Asia and Melanesia. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 17: 802-813. [Open Access]
[214] Sun, B., Liu, J., Zhang, Y.-Q., Leung, K.M.Y., Zeng, E.Y.* (2021). Leaching of polybrominated diphenyl ethers from microplastics in fish oil: Kinetics and bioaccumulation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 406: 124726.
[213] Leung, K.M.Y.*, Sheng, J.-Y., Khim, J.S. (2021). Changing for improvement and advancement. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 41: 101596. (Editorial) [IF: 2.166]
[212] Sham, R.C.T., Ho, K.K.Y., Hui, T.T.Y., Zhou, G.J., Chan, J.K.Y., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2021). Tissue distribution of triphenyltin compounds in marine teleost fishes. Journal of Hazardous Materials 401, 123426.
[211] Strain, E.M., Steinberg, P.D., Vozzo, M., Johnston, E.L., Abbiati, M., Aguilera, M., Airoldi, L., Augirre, D., Ashton, G., Bernardi, M., Brooks, P., Chan, B.K.K., Chee, S.Y., Coutinhosa, R., Crowe, T., Davey, A, Firth, L., Fraser, C., Hanley, M., Hawkins, S., Knick, K., Lau, E.T.C., Leung, K.M.Y., McKenzie, C., MacLeod, C., Mafanya, S., Mancuso, F., Messano, L.V.R., Ng, T.P.T., O'Shannessy, K., Pattrick, P., Perkins, M.J., Perkol-Finkel, S., Porri, F., Ross, D., Ruiz, G., Sella, I., Seitz, R., Shirazi, R., Thiel, M., Thompson, R., Yee, J., Zabin, C., Bishop, M.J. (2021). A global analysis of complexity–biodiversity relationships on marine artificial structures. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30: 140-153. [Open Access] - CityU Press Release
[210] Tao, L.S.R., Lui, G.C.S., Wong, K.J.H., Hui, T.T.Y., Mak, Y.K.Y., Sham, R.C.T., Yau, J.K.C., Cheung, W.W.L., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2021). Does trawl ban policy benefit commercially important Decapoda and Stomatopoda in Hong Kong? Ecosystems 24: 1157-1170. [Open Access]
[209] Chan, K.H.*, Ng, R.C.L.*, Jian, M., Bunting, M., Ma, O.K.F., Kwan, J.S.C., Zhou, G.J., Senthilkumar, K., Lyaswamy, A., Li, M., Leung, K.M.Y., Durairajan, S.S.K., Lam, K.S.L., Chung, S.K., Festenstein, R. (2021). Chronic oral administration of AdipoRon reverses cognitive impairments and ameliorates neuropathology in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model. Molecular Psychiatry 26: 5669–5689.
[208] Lee, J.H.W.*, Guo, J.H., Chan, T.S.N., Choi, D.K.W., Wang, W.P., Leung, K.M.Y. (2020). Real time forecasting and automatic species classification of harmful algal blooms (HAB) for fisheries management. Hydrolink 4: 109-113. [Open Access]
[207] Farzana, S., Ruan, Y., Wang, Q., Wu, R., Kai, Z., Meng, Y., Leung, K.M.Y.*, Lam, P.K.S.* (2020). Developing interim water quality criteria for emerging chemicals of concern for protecting marine life in the Greater Bay Area of South China. Marine Pollution Bulletin 161: 111792.
[206] Huang, Q., Sham, R.C.T., Deng, Y., Mao, Y.-P., Wang, C.-X., Zhang, T.*, Leung, K.M.Y.* (2020). Diversity of gut microbiomes in marine fishes is shaped by host-related factors. Molecular Ecology 29: 5019-5034. [Open Access]
[205] Gissi, F.*, Wang, Z., Batley, G., Leung, K.M.Y., Schlekat, C.E., Garman, E.R., Stauber, J.L. (2020). Deriving a guideline value for nickel in tropical and temperate marine waters. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 39: 2540-2551. [Open Access]
[204] Wang, Z.*, Yeung, K.W.Y., Zhou, G.J., Yung, M.M.N., Schlekat, C.E., Garman, E.R., Gissi, F., Stauber, J.L., Middleton, E.T., Wang, Y.Y.L., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2020). Acute and chronic toxicity of nickel on freshwater and marine tropical aquatic organisms. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 206: 111373.
[203] Lai, R.W.S., Yung, M.M.N., Zhou, G.J., He, Y.L., Ng, A.M.C., Djurišić, A.B., Shih, K.M., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2020). Temperature and salinity jointly drive the toxicity of zinc oxide nanoparticles: A challenge to environmental risk assessment under global climate change. Environmental Science: Nano 7: 2995-3006. [Selected as a Hot Paper by Editors]
[202] Bradford, T.E., Astudillo, J.C.*, Lau, E.T.C., Perkins, M.J., Lo, C.C., Li, T.C.H., Ng, T.P.T., Strain, E.M.A., Steinberg, P.D., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2020). Provision of refugia and seeding with native bivalves can enhance biodiversity on vertical seawalls. Marine Pollution Bulletin 160: 111578. CityU Press Release [This work was reported by European Commission's Environmental News - Science for Environment Policy]
[201] Leung, K.M.Y.*, Yeung, K.W.Y., You, J., Choi, K.H., Zhang, X.W., Smith, R., Zhou, G.J., Yung, M.M.N., Arias-Barreiro, C., An, Y.J., Burket, S.R., Dwyer, R., Goodkin, N., Hii, Y.S., Hoang, T., Humphrey, C., Iwai, C.B., Jeong, S.W., Juhel, G., Karami, A., Kyriazi-Huber, K., Lee, K.C., Lin, B.L., Lu, B., Martin, P., Nillos, M.G., Oginawati, K., Rathnayake, I.V.N., Risjani, Y., Shoeb, M., Tan, C.H., Tsuchiya, M.C., Ankley, G.T., Boxall, A.B.A., Rudd, M.A., Brooks, B.W. (2020). Towards sustainable environmental quality: Priority research questions for Asia. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 39: 1485–1505. [Open Access]
[200] Tao, L.S.R., Lau, D.C.P., Perkins, M.J., Hui, T.T.Y., Yau, J.K.C., Mak, Y.K.Y., Lau, E.T.C., Dudgeon, D., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2020). Stable-isotope based trophic metrics reveal early recovery of tropical crustacean assemblages following a trawl ban. Ecological Indicators 117: 106610.
[199] Yeung, K.W.Y., Giesy, J.P., Zhou, G.J., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2020). Occurrence, toxicity and ecological risk of larvicidal oil in the coastal marine ecosystem of Hong Kong. Marine Pollution Bulletin 156: 111178. - Press Release
[198] Birch, G.F.*, Lee, J.-H., Tanner, E., Fortune, J., Munksgaard, N., Whitehead, J., Coughanowr, C., Agius, J., Chrispijn, J., Taylor, U., Wells, F., Bellas, J., Besada, V., Viñas, L., Soares-Gomes, A., Cordeiro, R. C., Machado, W., Santelli, R.E., Vaughan, M., Cameron, M., Brooks, P., Crowe, T., Ponti, M., Airoldi, L., Guerra, R., Puente, A., Gómez, A.G., Zhou, G.J., Leung, K.M.Y., Steinberg, P.D. (2020). Sediment metal enrichment and ecological risk assessment of ten ports and estuaries in the World Harbour Project. Marine Pollution Bulletin 155: 111129.
[197] Ruan, Y.F., Lin, H.J., Zhang, X.H., Wu, R.B., Zhang, K., Qiu, J.W., Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, J.C.W.*, Lam, P.K.S.* (2020). Enantiomer-specific bioaccumulation and distribution of chiral pharmaceuticals in a subtropical marine food web. Journal of Hazardous Materials 3940: 122589.
[196] Sham, R.C.T., Ho, K.K.Y., Zhou, G.J., Li, Y., Wang, X.H., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2020). Occurrence and ecological risks of phenyltin compounds in the marine environment of Hong Kong. Marine Pollution Bulletin 154: 111093.
[195] Wong, S.W.Y., Zhou, G.J.*, Leung, P.T.Y., Han, J.H., Lee, J.S., Kwok, K.W.H., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2020). Sunscreens containing zinc oxide nanoparticles can trigger oxidative stress and toxicity to the marine copepod Tigriopus japonicus. Marine Pollution Bulletin 154: 111078.
[194] Leung, K.M.Y.*, Lauenstein, G.G., Sheng, J.-Y. (2020). The fifth anniversary of Regional Studies in Marine Science. Regional Studies in Marine Sciences 35: 101257. (Editorial)
[193] Zhou, G.J.*, Lin, L., Li, X.Y., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2020). Removal of emerging contaminants during chemically enhanced primary sedimentation of sewage and acidogenic fermentation of sludge. Water Research 175: 115646. Press Release
[192] Wong, S.W.Y., Zhou, G.J.*, Kwok, K.W.H., Djurisic, A.B., Han, J.H., Lee, J.S., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2020). In vivo toxicities of nine engineered nano metal oxides to the marine diatom Skeletonema costatum and rotifer Brachionus koreanus. Marine Pollution Bulletin 153: 110973.
[191] Sham, R.C.T., Tao, L.S.R., Mak, Y.K.Y., Yau, J.K.C., Wai, T.C., Ho, K.K.Y., Zhou, G.J., Li, Y.Y., Wang, X.H., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2020). Occurrence and trophic magnification profile of triphenyltin compounds in marine mammals and their corresponding food webs. Environment International 137: 105567. [Open Access] Press Release
[190] Yeung, K.W.Y., Zhou, G.J.*, Hilscherova, K., Giesy, J.P., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2020). Current understanding on potential ecological risks of retinoic acids in aquatic environments. Environment International 136: 105464. [Open Access]
[189] Tanner, E.L.*, Steinberg, P.D., Soares-Gomes, A., Leung, K.M.Y. (2020). Introduction to the World Harbour Project Special Issue Part II - Global harbours and ports: Different locations, similar problems? Regional Studies in Marine Science 33: 100904. (Editorial)
[188] Zhou, G.J.*, Lai, R.W.S., Sham, R.C.T., Lam, C.S., Yeung, K.W.Y., Astudillo, J.C., Ho, K.K.Y., Yung, M.M.N., Yau, J.K.C., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2019). Accidental spill of palm stearin poses relatively short-term ecological risks to a tropical coastal marine ecosystem. Environmental Science & Technology 53: 12269-12277. - Press Release
[187] Yan, W.T.*, Lau, C.P., Leung, K.M.Y., Davies, S.N.G. (2019). Problems and prospects of revitalizing marine pearl cultivation in highly urbanized coasts: A case from Tolo Harbour in Hong Kong. Regional Studies in Marine Science 31: 100756.
[186] Zhang, A.Q., Zhou, G.J.*, Lam, M.H.W., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2019). Toxicities of Irgarol 1051 derivatives, M2 and M3, to two marine diatom species. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 182: 109455.
[185] Wang, Z.*, Kwok, K.W.H., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2019). Comparison of temperate and tropical freshwater species’ acute sensitivities to chemicals: An update. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 15: 352-363.
[184] Perkins, M.J.*, Mak, Y.K.Y., Law, C.S.W., Tao, L.S.R., Yau, J.K.C., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2019). Length-weight relationships of 79 marine fish species from the coastal waters of Hong Kong. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 35: 779-788.
[183] Morris, R.L., Heery, E.C., Loke, L.H.L., Lau, E.T.C., Strain, E.M., Airoldi, L., Alexanders, K.A., Bishop, M.J., Coleman, R.A., Cordell, J.R., Dong, Y.W., Firth, L.B., Hawkins, S.J., Heath, T., Kokora, M., Lee, S.Y., Miller, J.K., Perkol-Finkel, S., Rella, A., Steinberg, P.D., Takeuchi, I., Thompson, R.C., Todd, P., Toft, J.D., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2019). Design options, implementation issues and evaluating success of ecologically-engineered shorelines. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review 57: 169-228. [Open Access]
[182] Zhou, G.J.*, Li, X.Y., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2019). Retinoids and oestrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals in saline sewage treatment plants: Removal efficiencies and ecological risks to marine organisms. Environment International 127: 103-113. [Open Access] - Press Release
[181] Wang, Z., Ho, K.K.Y., Zhou, G.J., Yeung, K.W.Y., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2019). Effects of silver and zinc on tropical freshwater organisms: Implications on water quality guidelines and ecological risk assessment. Chemosphere 225: 897-905.
[180] Zhang, A.Q., Zhou, G.J.*, Lam, M.H.W., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2019). Toxicities of the degraded mixture of Irgarol 1051 to marine organisms. Chemosphere 225: 565-573.
[179] Lai, N.L.S., Kwok, K.Y., Wang, X.H., Yamashita, N., Liu, G.J., Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, P.K.S., Lam, J.C.W.* (2019). Assessment of organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizers in aquatic environments of China (Pearl River Delta, South China Sea, Yellow River Estuary) and Japan (Tokyo Bay). Journal of Hazardous Materials 371: 288-294.
[178] Lau, E.T.C., Leung, K.M.Y.*, Karraker, N.E. (2019). Native amphibian larvae exhibit higher thermal tolerance but lower performance than their introduced predator Gambusia affinis. Journal of Thermal Biology 81: 154-161.
[177] Wang, Z.*, Lui, G.C.S., Burton, G.A., Jr., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2019). Thermal extremes driven by climate change can intensify chemical toxicity to freshwater organisms and hence impact their communities. Chemosphere 224: 256-264.
[176] Tao, L.S.R., Lui, K.K.Y., Lau, E.T.C., Ho, K.K.Y., Mak, Y.K.Y., Sadovy de Mitcheson Y., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2018). Trawl ban in a heavily exploited marine environment: Responses in population dynamics of four stomatopod species. Scientific Reports, 8: 17876.
[175] Leung, K.M.Y.*, Lauenstein, G.G., Sheng, J.Y. (2018). Regional Studies in Marine Science is growing healthily and stronger. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 24: 411-412. (Editorial)
[174] Ruan, Y., Zhang X., Qiu, J.W., Leung, K.M.Y., Lam, J.C.W.*, Lam, P.K.S.* (2018). Stereoisomer-specific trophodynamics of the chiral brominated flame retardants HBCD and TBECH in a marine food web, with implications for human exposure. Environmental Science & Technology 52(15): 8183-8193
[173] Perkins, M.J.*, Mak, Y.K.Y., Tao, L.S.R., Wong, A.T.L., Yau, J.K.C., Baker, D.M., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2018). Short-term tissue degradation alters stable isotope values and C/N ratio but does not change relationships between lipid content, C/N ratio, and Δδ13C in marine animals. PLoS One 13(7): e0199680. [Open Access]
[172] Astudillo, J.C.*, Bonebrake, T.C., Leung, K.M.Y. (2018). Deterred but not preferred: Predation by native whelk Reishia clavigera on invasive bivalves. PLoS One 13(5): e0196578. [Open Access]
[171] Mu, Y.-S., Wang, Z., Wu, F.-C.*, Zong, B.Q., Yang, M.R., Sun, F.H., Feng, C.L., Jin, X.W., Leung, K.M.Y.*, Giesy, J.P. ( 2018). Model for predicting toxicities of metals and metalloids in coastal marine environments worldwide. Environmental Science & Technology 52: 4199-4206. Press Release
[170] Carusi, A.*, Davies, M.R., De Grandis, G., Escher, B.I., Hodges, G., Leung, K.M.Y., Whelan, M., Willett, C., Ankley, G.T. (2018). Harvesting the promise of AOP: An assessment and recommendations. Science of the Total Environment 628: 1542-1556.
[169] Leung, K.M.Y.* (2018). Joining the dots between omics and environmental management. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 14(2): 169-173. [This work was reported by European Commission's Environmental News - Science for Environment Policy]
[168] Leung, K.M.Y.*, Merrington, G., Warne, M.St.J., Wenning, R.J., Wu, F.C. (2018). The good, the bad, and the ugly of environmental quality benchmarks: EQSPAE-2016 dedicated to Dr. Peter Michael Chapman (1951–2017). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(4): 3038-3042.
[167] Sun, P.Y., Foley, H.B., Wu, L., Nguyen, C. Chaudhry, S., Bao, V.W.W., Leung, K.M.Y., Edmands, S.* (2018). Long-term laboratory culture causes contrasting shifts in tolerance to two marine pollutants in copepods of the genus Tigriopus. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(4): 3183-3192.
[166] Lai, R.W.S., Yeung, K.W.Y., Yung, M.M.N., Djurišić, A.B., Giesy, J.P., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2018). Regulation of engineered nanomaterials: current challenges, insights and future directions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(4): 3170-3182.
[165] Bao, V.W.W., Ho, K.K.Y., Lai, K.K.Y., Mak, Y.K.Y., Mak, E.P.Y., Zhou, G.J., Giesy, J.P., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2018). Water-effect ratio of copper and its application on setting site-specific water quality criteria for protecting marine ecosystems of Hong Kong. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(4): 3060-3077.
[164] Diamond, J.*, Altenburger, R., Coors, A., Dyer, S., Focazio, M., Kidd, K., Koelmans, B., Leung, K.M.Y., Servos, M., Snape, J., Tolls, J., Zhang, X.W. (2018). Use of prospective and retrospective risk assessment methods that simplify chemical mixtures associated with treated domestic wastewater discharges. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 37(3): 690-702.
[163] Xu, E.G.B.*, Chan, S.N., Choi, K.W., Lee, J.H.W., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2018). Tracking major endocrine disruptors in coastal waters using an integrative approach coupling field-based study and hydrodynamic modelling. Environmental Pollution 233: 387-394.
1999-2017: Please download the PDF file for earliest journal publications.
Refereed Book-Chapters:
[B13] Liu, M.-Y., Qadeer, A.*, Kirsten, K., Ajmal, Z., Leung, K.M.Y. (2022). Occurrence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS): A special reference to their monitoring, distribution, and environmental fate. In: Emerging Aquatic Contaminants: One Health Framework for Risk Assessment and Remediation in the Post COVID-19 Anthropocene, Mohapatra, S. (eds), Elsevier, London.
[B12] Ho, K.K.Y., Cheung, M.S., Leung, H.Y.M., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2020). Vignette 8.2: The use of neogastropods as indicator of tributyltin contamination along the South China coast. In: Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology, 5th Edition, Newman, M.C. (eds), CRC Press, Boca Raton. pp, 240-243. [Invited article]
[B11] Zhou, G.J.*, Leung, K.M.Y. (2018). The genetic makeup of marine organisms to determine who is a winner or a loser under global climate change. In: 1000 Selected Problems in Sciences: Ocean Since, Science Press. pp. 1162-1165. [in Chinese]. [Invited article]
[B10] Ho, K.K.Y.*, Leung, K.M.Y. (2017). Current status of organotin contamination and imposex in neogastropods along coastal marine environments of Southeast Asia and China. In: Biological Effects of Organotins, Horiguchi, T. (eds), Springer. pp 123-147. [Invited article]
[B9] Yung, M.M.N., Mouneyrac, C., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2015). Ecotoxicity of zinc oxide nanoparticles in the marine environment. In: Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, Bhushan, B. (eds), Springer. pp 1-17, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-6178-0_100970-1. [Invited article]
[B8] Newman, M.C.*, Leung, K.M.Y. (2011). Mercury by the numbers. In: Mercury Pollution: A Transdisciplinary Treatment, Zuber, S.L., Newman, M.C. (eds), CRC Press, Boca Raton. pp. 51-69. [Invited article]
[B7] Berthet, B*, Leung, K.M.Y., Amiard-Triquet, C. (2011). Inter- and intraspecific variability of tolerance: Implications for bioassays and biomonitoring. In: Tolerance to Environmental Contaminants, Amiard-Triquet, C., Rainbow, P.S., Romeo, M. (eds), CRC Press, Boca Raton. pp. 49-84. [Invited article]
[B6] Mouneyrac, C.*, Leung, P.T.Y., Leung, K.M.Y. (2011). Cost of tolerance. In: Tolerance to Environmental Contaminants, Amiard-Triquet, C., Rainbow, P.S., Romeo, M. (eds), CRC Press, Boca Raton. pp. 265-297. [Invited article]
[B5] Cheung, M.S., Leung, H.Y.M., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2010/2014). Vignette 8.2: The use of neogastropods as indicator of tributyltin contamination along the South China coast. In: Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology, 3rd/4th Edition, Newman, M.C. (eds), CRC Press, Boca Raton. pp.222-226. [Invited article]
[B4] Leung, K.M.Y.*, Dudgeon, D. (2008). Ecological risk assessment and management of exotic organisms associated with aquaculture activities. In: Understanding and Applying Risk Analysis in Aquaculture, FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 519, Bondad-Reantaso, M.G.; Arthur, J.R. & Subasinghe, R.P. (eds), FAO, Rome. pp. 67-100. [Invited article]
[B3] Leung, K.M.Y.*, Chu, J.C.W., Wu, R.S.S. (2003). Reducing nitrogen pollution loading from fish farming by changing feeding practices: An example from Hong Kong. In: Perspectives on Marine Environmental Change in Hong Kong and Southern China, 1977-2001: Proceedings of an International Workshops Reunion Conference, 22-26 October 2001, Morton, B. (eds), Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong. pp. 545-556.
[B2] Lai, C.H., Tsui, J.C.Y., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2003). Distribution and demography of Stomatopoda in the subtidal marine environment of Hong Kong. In: Turning the Tides - A Festschrift in Honour of Professor Brian Morton, Shin, P.K.S. (eds), The Marine Biological Association of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. pp. 159-183.
[B1] Leung, K.M.Y.*, Wheeler, J.R., Morritt, D., Crane, M. (2001). Endocrine disruption in fishes and invertebrates: Issues for saltwater ecological risk assessment. In: Coastal and Estuarine Risk Assessment, Newman, M.C., Roberts, Jr., M.H. & Hale, R.C. (eds.), Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton. pp. 189-216.
Other Publications:
[O11] Hatje, V., Rayfuse, R., Polejack, P., Goddard, C., Jiang, C., Jones, D., Faloutsos, D., Fiedler, H., Akrofi, J., Sheps, K., Leung, K., Pinheiro, L.M., Pradhan, M., Castrillejo, M., Bustamante, P., Kershaw, P., Zitoun, R., Silva, S., & Kiefer, T. (2024). Ocean Decade Vision 2030 White Papers – Challenge 1: Understand and Beat Marine Pollution. Paris, UNESCO-IOC. (The Ocean Decade Series, 51.1). https://doi.org/10.25607/6m86-s908 (UNESCO IOC/2024/ODS/51.1).
[O10] Liu, X.J., Hou, P., Hu, X.Z., Chen, J.A., Zhang, P., Zhu, X.W., Wang, Q., Leung, K.M.Y. (2023). Numerical simulation of wind wave process of super typhoon "Mangkhut". Journal of Changsha University of Science & Technology (Natural Science) 20(4): 117-126. (In Chinese; 刘晓建,侯堋,胡晓张,陈俊昂,张鹏, 朱小伟, 王强, 梁美仪. 超强台风“山竹”风浪过程数值模拟研究 [J]. 长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 20(4): 117-126.)
[O9] Chan, J.K.Y.*, Cheng, I.N.Y., Kong, S.S.Y., Leung, K.M.Y. (2018). Use of online platform for student learning in higher education: The use of YouTube and Facebook as assessment tools. Conference paper No. AE454-2B-3 (Session 2, pp. 92-101) presented at the Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning (ASAIHL) Conference 2018, March 2018, Soka University, Tokyo, Japan.
[O8] Leung, P.T.Y., Mak, S.S.T., Ip, J.C.H., Yau, C., Lai, V.C.S., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2014). Survey of Juvenile Fish Resources at the Three Marine Parks at Northeast Hong Kong. Final Report to the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD/SQ/99/12), the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, P.R. China.
[O7] Leung, K.M.Y.* (2012). Teamwork will move mountains: A tale from SETAC Asia/Pacific. SETAC Globe 13(6):Article 1.
[O6] 方超,王新红*,谢卫,梁美仪,洪华生 (2009). TBT在疣荔枝螺(Thais clavigera)“汤”暴露方式下的代谢动力学过程研究。 持久性有机污染物论坛2009暨第四届持久性有机污染物全国学术研讨会论文集。
[O5] Close, J.*, Ip, J., Leung, K.M.Y., Bao, V.W.W., Lam, K.H. * (2006). PV-powered biological wastewater treatment for urban & rural applications. Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE 4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion 1-2: 2339-2342.
[O4] Leung, K.M.Y.*, Lui, K.K.Y., Wai, T.C., Cheung, A.Y.T., Chan, B.K.K., Yau, C. (2006). Study on the Soft Shore in Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park. Final Report to the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD/SQ/2/05), the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, P.R. China.
[O3] Leung, K.M.Y.*, Lam, P.K.S. (2004). Marine ecological risk assessments are not straightforward! SETAC Globe 5(1):35-36.
[O2] Leung, K.M.Y.* (2003). A book review for "Waters in Peril", by Bendell-Young, L. & P. Gallaugher (eds) (2001). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 248 pp. Hydrobiologia 493:204-206.
[O1] Wheeler, J.R., Sorokin, N., Leung, K.M.Y., Morritt, D., Crane, M.*, Cole, S., Mitchell, R., Holmes, D., Pugh, M., Whitehouse, P. (2001). Marine Risk Assessment and Ecosystem Dynamics: Comparison of Marine and Freshwater Data and Test Methods. Final Report for the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC), Report No. CEFIC LRI ECO 1b.