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Awards Received by Kenny’s Research Students:


Ms. Yali Huang (PhD student)

won Professor Nora Tam Best Postgraduate Research Output Prize in Environmental Sciences in August 2024.{New}

Ms. Wing Lao (PhD graduate and postdoc)

received Professor Rudolf Wu Scholarship for the Outstanding Thesis in Environmental Sciences 2023/24 in August 2024. {New}

Ms. Ginger Jiang (PhD student)

won the Outstanding Oral Presentation Award at the Yellow Sea Ecosystem (YES 2024) Symposium held at Ramada Plaza in Jigu Island, Korea during 27-30 July 2024. Her presentation title was "Status after 5 years of regulation: spatial and temporal trends of organotins contamination in the marine environment of Hong Kong". {New}

Dr. Katie Yeung (PhD graduate)

awarded the Professor Brian Morton Postgraduate Prize in Marine Biology (2022-2023), by School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, The University of Hong Kong in November 2023. 

Dr. Chi Chiu Lo (PhD graduate)

won the Environmental Science Emerging Scientist Award at the Hong Kong SciTech Pioneers Award Competition (2022-2023) organized by the Y-LOT Foundation in October 2023.  

Mr. Shaopeng Xu (PhD student)

received Research Tuition Scholarship from City University of Hong Kong in September 2023.  

Ms. Yan Jiang and Ms. Sunny Tao (PhD students)

received the Outstanding Academic Performance Award (OAPA) from City University of Hong Kong in September 2023. 

Ms. Qiong Luo (PhD student)

won the Best Poster Presentation Award at the Gordon Research Conference on Urbanization, Water and Food Security, held in Tuscany, Italy in July 2023. 

Ms. Thea Bradford (PhD student) 

won the Second Prize of the Challenge Cup (Innovation) at the Hong Kong University Student Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition (《第9屆香港大學生創新及創業大賽》二等獎) based on our innovation of eco-engineered tiles for enhancing marine biodiversity on seawalls in June 2023 

Ms. Thea Bradford (PhD student) 

won the Silver Award at the Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Award 2023 (Hong Kong SAR) in the Tertiary or above Stream《第五屆大灣區STEM卓越獎2023》based on our eco-engineered solutions for artificial shoreline restoration (announced on 1 June 2023). 

Ms. Wing Lao, Mr. Shaopeng Xu (PhD students)

received Research Tuition Scholarship in September 2022 from City University of Hong Kong. 

Ms. Wing Lao (PhD student)

won Professor Nora Tam Best Postgraduate Research Output Prize in Environmental Sciences in August 2022.

Ms. Kathy Cao, Ms. Wing Lao, Ms. Sunny Tao (PhD students)

CSCI Excellent Paper Awards for Research Students from City University of Hong Kong in 2022

Ms. Kathy Cao, Ms. Wing Lao and Ms. Sunny Tao (PhD students)

received the Outstanding Academic Performance Award (OAPA) from City University of Hong Kong in September 2022. 

Dr. Huiju  Lin (PhD graduate)

awarded the Professor Rudolf Wu Scholarship for the Outstanding Thesis in Environmental Sciences (2021-2022) by City University of Hong Kong in July 2022 

Dr. Racliffe Lai (PhD graduate)

conferred as the UM Macao Fellow (for three years, 2022-2025) by the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region, and appointed as Research Assistant Professor at the University of Macao in August 2022 

Ms. Thea Bradford (PhD student), Mr. Chi Chiu Lo (PhD student), Dr. Juan Carlos Astudillo (PhD graduate)

created a startup company called afterNATURE which has been accepted by City University of Hong Kong as one of the "HK Tech 300" startups and by Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks to enter its Ideation programme in 2022. 

Ms. Demilade Tunrayo Adedipe (PhD student)

Meritorious Award at 2022 HK Tech Tigers Art Collection in BOCHK Banking Services Centre Contest at CityU in July 2022.

Ms. Thea Bradford (PhD student)

awarded the Certificate of Merit for the "Teaching Students: First Steps", by Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies, City University of Hong Kong in June 2022. 

Dr. Racliffe Lai (PhD graduate)

awarded the Professor Brian Morton Postgraduate Prize in Marine Biology (2020-2021), by School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, The University of Hong Kong in 2022. 

Ms. Thea Bradford (PhD student)

awarded the Hong Kong Marine Ecological Association Award for the Best Student Presentation (5-minute Oral Presentation) at the 2th International Conference on Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation of Marine Ecosystems held at City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China during 3-7 January 2022. 

Mr. Qin Wang, Ms. Wing Lao (PhD Students)

received Research Tuition Scholarship 2021 from City University of Hong Kong.

Mr. Qin Wang (PhD student)

received the Outstanding Academic Performance Award (OAPA) from City University of Hong Kong in September 2021. 

Mr. Qin Wang (PhD student)

awarded the Professor Rudolf Wu's Research Postgraduate Output Prize (i.e., SKLMP Outstanding Research Output Prizes 2020) for his publication in Environmental Science & Technology with a title of "Target, Nontarget, and Suspect Screening and Temporal Trends of Per- and Polyfluroroalkyl Substances in Marine Mammals from the South China Sea, on 12 August 2021 at City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.

Mr. Qin Wang (PhD Student)

received Research Tuition Scholarship 2021 from City University of Hong Kong.


Mr. Racliffe Lai (PhD student)

awarded the Professor Rudolf Wu Award for the Best Oral Presentation Award at the 9th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology held at the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China during 10-14 June 2019.

Mr. Jason Yau (PhD student)

awarded the Professor John Gray Memorial Award for the Best Marine Pollution Study Associated with Benthic Ecology at the 9th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology held at the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China during 10-14 June 2019.

Dr. Lily Tao (PhD graduate)

awarded the Professor Brian Morton Postgraduate Prize in Marine Biology (2017-2018), by School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, The University of Hong Kong in 2019.

Dr. Lily Tao (PhD graduate and postdoc)

won the Outstanding Poster Presentation Award at the Summer School on Marine Environment and Fishery Resources under Global Change which was held at National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU), Keelung, Taiwan during 5-14 July 2018.


Ms. Katie Yeung (MSc and PhD student)

awarded a Student Travel Award (50,000 Yen) for attending the Primo 19: International Symposium on Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms, 30 June - 3 July 2017, Matsuyama, Japan.


Mr. Racliffe Lai (PhD student)

awarded a Travelling Grant from Tongji University, China for attending the 2nd Sino-Finnish Summer School in Environmental Science, at Shanghai, China during August 2015.


Miss. Ronia Sham (PhD student)

awarded a Travelling Grant from Tongji University, China for attending the 2nd Sino-Finnish Summer School in Environmental Science, at Shanghai, China during August 2015.

Miss. Mana Yung (PhD student)

won the Best Student Poster Presentation Award by BECoME 2015 at the International Conference on Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation of Marine Ecosystems 2015 (BECoME 2015) held at HKU during 1-4 June 2015, Hong Kong. Her poster was entitled: “Salinity-dependent toxicities of zinc oxide nanoparticles to the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana.”


Miss. Yanny Mak (PhD student)

won the Best Student Poster Presentation Award by the Marine Biological Association of Hong Kong at the International Conference on Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation of Marine Ecosystems 2015 (BECoME 2015) held at HKU during 1-4 June 2015, Hong Kong. The title of her poster was “Spatial variation in trophic structure of demersal fish communities in the marine environment of Hong Kong, South China”.


Mr. Juan Carlos Astudillo (PhD student)

won the Best Student Oral Presentation Award by the Marine Biological Association of Hong Kong at the International Conference on Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation of Marine Ecosystems 2015 (BECoME 2015) held at HKU during 1-4 June 2015, Hong Kong. The title of his talk was “Seasonality can lower biotic resistance to ascidian invasion in subtropical marine fouling communities”.


Miss. Manna Yung (PhD student)

won the Online People's Choice Award in the 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition held in March 2015 at HKU. Her presentation topic was "Ecotoxicity of zinc oxide nanoparticles in the aquatic environment".


Mr. Jack C.H. Ip (MPhil student)

awarded the Outstanding Oral Presentation Award at the 11th International Symposium on Persistent Toxic Substances (ISPTS), held in Hong Kong during 27-30 October 2014.


Miss. Manna Yung (PhD student)

awarded a Travelling Grant from Jyvaskyla University for attending the 1st Sino-Finnish Summer School in Environmental Science, Jyvaskyla, Finland during August 2014.


Mr. Zhen Wang (PhD student)

won the Best Poster Award at the SETAC Asia Pacific Conference 2014, held at Adelaide, Australia during 14-17 September 2014. His poster was entitled “Effects of unionised ammonia on tropical freshwater organisms: Implications on temperate-to-tropic extrapolation and water quality guidelines”.


Mr. Zhen Wang (PhD student)

awarded a Travelling Grant from Jyvaskyla University for attending the 1st Sino-Finnish Summer School in Environmental Science, Jyvaskyla, Finland during August 2014.


Mr. Edward Lau (PhD student)

awarded the Croucher Foundation Studentship to participate in the Joint Universities Summer Teaching Laboratory Programme at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA during the summer 2013.

Mr. Kevin K.Y. Ho (PhD student)

won the Marine Pollution Bulletin Young Scientist Award for an Outstanding Oral Presentation at the 7th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology held in Hong Kong during 17-21 June 2013. His talk was about “Organotin contamination in market seafood and its implication for human health risk in Hong Kong”.


Miss. Adela J. Li (PhD student)

won the Marine Pollution Bulletin Young Scientist Award for an Outstanding Poster Presentation at the 7th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology held in Hong Kong during 17-21 June 2013. Her poster featured “Temperature-dependent toxicity of copper to larvae of the marine medaka Oryzias melastigma: physiological responses”.


Mr. Andy Yi (PhD student)

was awarded with the Marine Biological Association of Hong Kong Prize for an Outstanding Student Oral Presentation at the 7th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology held in Hong Kong during 17-21 June 2013. Andy’s talk was about “Binary mixture toxicities of triphenyltin in combination with tributyltin or copper to five marine organisms”.

Mr. Kevin K.Y. Ho (PhD student)

won the 2nd Runner Up in the 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition held in June 2013 at HKU. His presentation topic was "Ecological and human health risks associated with organotin contamination in the marine environment of Hong Kong".


Mr. Kevin K.Y. Ho (PhD student)

was selected as the winner of the "SETAC Young Scientist - Poster Award" at the SETAC Europe 23rd Annual Meeting, held at Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom during 12-16 May 2013. The title of Kevin's winning poster was 'Organotin contamination in market seafood and its implication for human health risk in Hong Kong'.


Mr. Andy Yi (PhD student)

won the best poster award with a certificate and an iPad Mini at the 17th Symposium on Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms (PRIMO 17), held at the University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal during 5-8 May 2013. The title of Andy's winning poster was “Photosynthetic and proteomic responses of the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana to triphenyltin exposure”.


Mr. Andy Yi (PhD student)

won the Best Oral Presentation Award at the SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Asia-Pacific Annual Meeting held in Kumamoto, Japan during 24-27 September 2012. The title of his winning talk was “Toxicity of triphenyltin chloride to the rotifer Brachionus species”.

Wang Zhen_SETAC_Adelaide.png

Mr. Edward Lau (PhD student)

won the Best Poster Presentation Award at the SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Asia-Pacific Annual Meeting held in Kumamoto, Japan during 24-27 September 2012. The title of his winning poster was “Thermal tolerance of amphibians and their invasive predator in a polluted environment”.


Mr. Edward Lau (PhD student)

was concurred the Award of Excellence by Teaching Assistant 2011-12 by the Faulty of Science, HKU for his outstanding performance in providing teaching support and interaction with students.


Ms. Mana Yung (PhD student)

awarded the Croucher Foundation Studentship to participate in the Joint Universities Summer Teaching Laboratory Programme at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA during the summer 2012.


Mr. Elvis Genbo Xu (PhD student)

awarded with James Henry Scott Hong Kong PhD Scholarship (2011-2015) by Swire Educational Trust.


Mr. Edward Lau (PhD student)

won the “Award for an Outstanding Oral Presentation for Early Stage Postgraduate Student” at the 15th International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment (ISTA) held in Hong Kong during 3-8 July 2011.


Ms. Adela J. Li (PhD student)

awarded a Travelling Scholarship for attending the Primo 16: International Symposium on Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms, 15-18 May 2011, Long Beach, California, USA.


Miss Jamius W.Y. Yeung (MPhil student)

won the "Award for the Best Presentation" at the 15th International Symposium on Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms (PRIMO15), which was held during 17-20 May 2009, in Bordeaux, France.


Miss Amy Qian Zhang (MPhil student)

was awarded the Li Ka Shing Prize for the Best MPhil Thesis, HKU in 2007-2008.


Miss Amy Qian Zhang (MPhil student)

was awarded the "Best Student Platform Presentation Award" at the 5th SETAC World Congress which was held during 4-7 August, 2008, at Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre in Australia.


Miss Amy Qian Zhang (MPhil student)

won the 1st Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks (HKSTP) Scholarship Award by the HKSTP Corporation,
Hong Kong in 2008.


Miss Amy Qian Zhang (MPhil student)

won the Best Platform Presentation Award 2007, at the 3rd Postgraduate Symposium of the Marine Biological Association of Hong Kong, HKU, Hong Kong.


Mr. Kevin Kwok (PhD student)

won the "Australasian Society for Ecotoxicology (ASE) 2007 Prize for Outstanding Platform Presentation" at the
5th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology, held at City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.


Miss Amy Qian Zhang (MPhil student)

won the Best Platform Presentation Award 2006, at the 2nd Postgraduate Symposium of the Marine Biological Association of Hong Kong, HKUST, Hong Kong.

State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution and Department of Chemistry 

City University of Hong Kong

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